


英文名(CurseForge) 中文名(MCMOD) 相关链接 备注
Effective (Forge) Effective 视听觉体验提升
Pop! Pop! Modrinth 添加未使用的气泡弹出粒子和声音


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Modern UI 现代化 UI Modrinth
ItemPhysic Full 物品物理掉落 Modrinth
Lava Clear View (Forge) 熔岩下清晰视野 Modrinth
Falling Leaves (Forge) 落叶 Modrinth Falling Leaves (Fabric) Forge 移植版
CameraOverhaul (Forge) Camera Overhaul (Forge) CameraOverhaul Forge 移植版
Better Foliage Renewed 更好的树叶重制版 Modrinth
Wavey Capes 飘扬披风 Modrinth
Spyglass Improvements 望远镜改进 Modrinth
Eating Animation [Forge] 进食动画 Modrinth
ReBlured Reblured Modrinth 界面背景模糊 非官方 Forge 版
Blur Forge (Unofficial) Modrinth 界面背景模糊 非官方 Forge 版
Neko's Enchanted Books Neko's Enchanted Books Modrinth 不同武器的附魔书颜色不同
Borderless Window 无边框全屏
Visuality: Reforged 可视性:重铸 Modrinth


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First-person Model (Forge/Fabric) 更真实的第一人称模型 Modrinth
Not Enough Animations (Forge/Fabric) Not Enough Animations Modrinth 更多动作动画
Better Third Person Better Third Person Modrinth 第三人称视角优化


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Sound Physics Remastered 物理声效重制版 Modrinth
AmbientSounds 自然音效 Modrinth
Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded Modrinth 可以让某些讨厌的声音不再远处能听见
Ding 界面进入提醒 Modrinth
Drip Sounds (Forge) Drip Sounds Modrinth
Extreme sound muffler (Forge) ExtremeSoundMuffler Modrinth
Presence Footsteps (Forge) 脚步声Forge版 脚步声 非官方 Forge 移植版


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Client Tweaks 客户端微调 Modrinth
CleanCut 干净利落 穿草攻击 精神继承者
Leaves Be Gone Leaves Be Gone Modrinth 树叶快速腐烂
Passable Foliage 叶间穿行 Modrinth 树叶无碰撞体积
Pretty Beaches 漂亮的沙滩 Modrinth 河边挖沙自动填水
Tax Free Levels 免税附魔 Modrinth
NetherPortalFix 下界传送门修正 Modrinth
Better Burning 更好的燃烧机制 Modrinth
Move Boats Move Boats Modrinth 移动船更方便
Move Minecarts 可移动的矿车 Modrinth 移动矿车更方便
Recast 持续钓鱼 Modrinth


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FPS Reducer FPS减速器 Modrinth
TrashSlot 垃圾槽 Modrinth
Suggestion Tweaker Suggestion Tweaker Modrinth
Ore Excavation 矿石挖掘
FTB Ultimine (Forge) 连锁破坏 连锁挖矿
FTB Backups 2 FTB备份2
Draggable Resource Packs 可拖动资源包 Modrinth


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Hidden Recipe Book 隐藏配方书 Modrinth 隐藏物品栏中的合成书
Polymorph 多态合成 Modrinth
> Refined Polymorphism Refined Polymorphism Modrinth RS 支持
> Polymorphic Energistics Modrinth AE2 支持


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Mouse Tweaks 鼠标手势 Modrinth
Controlling 键位冲突显示 Modrinth


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LAN World Plug-n-Play 更高级联机设置 Modrinth
LanServerProperties 自定义局域网联机
EasyLAN 自定义LAN局域网联机服务器 Modrinth


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IMBlocker 输入法冲突修复 Modrinth
ContingameIME 游戏内输入法续更版 Modrinth